I am pleased to announce that Protlab GPL, Ltd participated in the GLOBAL INNOVATION FORUM in OSAKA, Japan 2024
Author: Protlab GPL, Ltd
Pioneer of Award-winning Biofilm Research,
We are delighted to share, that Protlab GPL has been awarded “Most Innovative Bioanalytical MedTech Company 2024 – UK and is invited to a conversation with Susana Muhamad, Colombia’s minister of environment and sustainable development to discuss “RoadToCOP16”. Colombia, the most biodiverse country on earth per square kilometer, is a critical player in global climate […]
We are thrilled to announce that Protlab GPL is a member of the
We are thrilled to announce that Protlab GPL is a member of the Essex Chambers of Commerce
Biotechnology Awards
Protlab Gpl Limited has been successful this year and has gone on to be awarded – Biofilm Profiling Specialists of the Year – UK
A Game of Balance
Bio sediments play a special role in the development of local ecosystems. Very little is known about there complex mutual rules in different niches of our planet and just as little is known to what extent biofilm structures have an influence on maintaining this balance. The fact that this sensitive equilibrium also plays a major […]
Protlab GPL, Ltd has attended the Robotics Festival on 23 th November, 2022 at the Adastral Park. Adastral Park is BT’s Global engineering HQ, and home to its Applied Research department. Thank you so much for the invitation.
www.dief.unifi.it Workshop APHRODITE – Adaptive beHavioRal mODels of robotic systems based on brain-inspired Al cogniTivE architectures. Cooperation between humans and robots is becoming increasingly important in our society. Consequently, there is a growing interest in the development of models that can enhance the interaction between humans and robots, e.g. Biofilm profile analysis identifying pathogenic components with […]
We are proud to announce Protlab GPL Limited Advisory Board Members: Dr. Mark RichardsonCEO at National Biofilms Innovation CentreSouthampton, England, United Kingdom David C HallSenior IT and network security architect responsible for numerous UK governmentsystems including a worldwide WIFI rolloutand the design and implementation and ofan early Visa system,England, United Kingdom
The term biofilm is a relatively new (1978) generic term for aerosols of all material types that adhere to each other forming micro-communities which are mainly found on solid and liquid surfaces, both in the natural and human environment. The inherent interactive process between the micro-material (mainly bacteria and other microorganisms) constitutes a life cycle […]